Tuesday 26 October 2010

My Writing Process.

Yesterday I shared my bookcases with you. Today I thought I'd share something else. Yes, today I'm giving you a peek at my writing process.
And I'm including pictures!

Step one: Get my writing space ready.

Step 2: I need to have my essentials -- my wip playlist and snacks. I have a cup of tea as well.

Step 3: Think about writing by staring at the keyboard. Tapping my fingers is crucial during this. I like to think of it as limbering up.

Step 4: Procrastinate. Today was a Criminal Minds episode. Until Supernatural season 6 comes to the UK it's either Criminal Minds or The Vampire Diaries. How I love my Sky+ recorder.

Step 5: Write.

Sorry no photo. It's hard to write and take a photo and I forgot how to set the timer on the camera. LOL.

Step 6: Have a 'why did my character just do that?' moment.

Step 6: Delete the disaster from step 6.

Step 7: Nap time? No, I'm thinking about my scenes with my eyes closed for visualization.

Okay I was napping.

Step 8: Wake up/brainwave. Repeat step 5. Lather, rinse, repeat.

So that's my handy guide to writing. I missed out the drinking tea, eating cookies and toilet break photos. As much as I <3 you all, I think that would be sharing a little bit too much information. lol. But I hope I made you smile. :)


Rachael Harrie said...

Tee hee, too funny!!!


Christina Lee said...

LOL!!! Are those gummy bears (yummy)?!

Renae said...

This was great Lindsay and you are going to laugh when you see my post today. I swear I didn't read yours first! I guess great minds really do think alike!

Jessica Bell said...


Sarah Ahiers said...

i could never wrtie in bed. I'd just fall asleep. But those Gummy Bears seem like a genius idea

Amparo Ortiz said...

Hilarious!!! Love the napping pic. Oh, and the face-to-desk pic. Oh, and the gummy bears pic.

Okay. I loved it all... There, I said it :D

Deb Salisbury, Magic Seeker and Mantua-Maker said...

LOL! Love step 6 -- but don't delete it, figure out WHY and use it. :-)

Meredith said...

Haha, I love this! And yes, WiP playlist and snacks are essential parts of the writing process for me, too :)

Katrina L. Lantz said...

Thank you for inviting us into your home. It's lovely. It's nice to see that our writing processes aren't so different (except that I eat dark chocolate at my desktop). Most of it's the same, especially the "why did my character just do that?" moments. LOTS of those lately!

But if gummy bears in bed is the way to crank out an entire book in a month, I'm willing!

Michelle McLean said...

love the pictures! :D

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Maybe more sugar would stem the desire to nap?

Talli Roland said...

Ha! I'd love to write on my bed, but I think I might look like one of your photos - all the time! I know I'd fall asleep within seconds.

Kristin Rae said...

You write in bed??? I'd nap too!

Emy Shin said...

Hee. This is so, so funny. And so true! :)

Shannon said...

LOL, I love this post! =) Too funny!

WritingNut said...

Ahhh... too funny! I loved it! :)

Are those gummy bears? Yummmm

Jessica Ann Hill said...
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Jessica Ann Hill said...

haha! Your writing process seems to be pretty similar to mine. XD

Hannah said...

All of this seems familiar. Yet I'm usually on my couch. Lol!