Big thanks to Lydia for my first blog award. If you haven't already then check out http://lydiakang.blogspot.com/
Okay so now I have to come up with six lies and one truth about myself.
1.I have six toes on each foot.
2.I am allergic to garden grass.
3.I am 5'10.
4.I have a twin.
5.I can touch my nose with my tongue.
6.I live on a farm.
7.I don't like hot weather.
And now I'll pass it on:
Angela http://storybyangela.blogspot.com/
Jana http://allimsaying-jhutcheson.blogspot.com/
Kirk http://alicechronicles.blogspot.com/
JeanneG http://jeannelyetgassman.blogspot.com/
And, if the blog award didn't make me feel all fuzzy enough, I won a blog comp.
Zoe Courtman over at No Letters On My Keyboard had a little request for help about the terror that is short stories. The deal, enter a comment and enter the draw to win one of four writing books. I left a comment and I won. Woot woot. And here's me saying I have no luck.
Check out Zoe's blog. Why? Because she rocks!
Enough about my blog brag. My challenge to you today is go spread the love and tell another blogger how fabulous they are :)
Hey Lindsay, great post, I love seeing the funny things people make up about themselves.
Shameless promotion (that's actually relevant to your post):
Please visit my blog and comment today. I have a post by guest blogger Justine Dell where she shares an ACTUAL query letter of hers that found success.
She is a wonderfully lady, always willing to help another writer and I would really like her to get the recognition she deserves.
Congrats!!! ;)
Yay, good news on top of good news!
Thanks! And congrats on your win!
Congrats on your win!!! Congrats on the award! How fun!!! Love your blog it's such a good read!
All righty then - you're fabulous!!!
Thanks for checking out my blog and following. I've returned the favor. Congrats on the award and the contest win!
Thanks for the kind words Jen. Just been and checked out your blog and became a follower. :)
Aww, Justine you make me blush.lol. Love your blog btw so thanks to Matthew for pointing me in your direction :)
Congrats on your award and on your win! :-)
Awesome, upbeat post! Thanks for the mention; I'm putting your winning book in the mail tomorrow. Enjoy!
Thank you so much for joining me, your blog updates will be listed on my blog. Hugs.. Carole.
Thank you for the award, and thanks for following me! I've added your blog to my "follow" list. Good stuff.
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