Monday, 12 April 2010

Writing Tips.

I had a different post planned but then decided that today I wanted to make you smile. Blow away the Monday blues with a little clip that I mentioned yesterday.

And thanks again to Silence18 on QT who showed me the way to the clip. Karma.

So, in all it's glory, here it is from Hush Hush author Becca Fitzpatrick's blog



Hannah said...

hahaha, funny. Have a great Monday!

JE said...

Argh! An error occured and I can't see it. :-( I'll check back later.


Matthew MacNish said...

Can't watch the video at work but I'll come back and take a look later.

Stina said...

I loved it! Thanks for posting it on your blog. I might not have seen it otherwise. :D

Lindsay said...

Palindrome and Stina, glad you liked it. I still can't help smiling when I watch it. Oh, and fight off the urge to go buy a laserjet. My poor inkjet printer is cowering in fear:)

Justine and Matthew, Hope when you check back later you both enjoy the clip. Stupid errors and work. heehee.

Talli Roland said...

Haha - loved it! Thanks!

Lydia Kang said...

thanks for the link!